
A Summer Series on James

James is filled with practical guidance for Christians. It contains important pointers on how one can successfully follow Jesus, and not merely hear that we are supposed to follow Jesus.

1. Trials and Wisdom

The first chapter of James opens with trials - particularly trials of sin and temptation - that you and every Christian faces. God has wisdom to lead you through the trial, and he wants you to keep facing the trial, keep persevering, and keep adjusting until you discover and embrace His wisdom. This success is pure joy!

Audio and Message Summary: [Click]

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   July 7, 2024   |   James 1:2-18

2. Build-a-Religion

Our religious activity can sometimes neglect doing core things that Jesus told us to do, sometimes substituting easier ideas, or watering down the intensity of something Jesus told us, or cherry-picking what we want to follow and ignore. This message contains a pivotal scripture that should cause you to wonder, "Am I following Jesus ... or something else?"

Audio and Message Transcript: [Click]

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   July 14, 2024   |   James 1:19-27

3. Mercy Is What You Do

The common way that anyone views people is from their external appearance and status, and we treat them and relate to them based on this judgment. But, with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, our approach to people is mercy rather than judgment. Judgment is free. Mercy is costly.

Audio and Message Transcript: [Click]

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   July 21, 2024   |   James 2:1-12

5. The Tattling Heart

God is ultimately concerned about the condition of our heart, and out of the heart flows actions consistent with the state of one's heart. But not only actions, for our words also tattle on the condition of the heart.

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   August 4, 2024   |   James 3:1-12

6. Two Kinds of Wisdom

Paul Parry  Paul Parry    |   August 11, 2024   |   James 3:13-18

7. The Three Doors

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   August 18, 2024   |   James 4:1-17

8. Am I Rich?

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   August 25, 2024   |  

9. Practicing Amen

Our integrity as a follower of Jesus is to be steadfast, to trust, and to remain committed even in tough times. This is the essence of the word "amen".

But, we live in a hedonistic culture that struggles to remain committed. We are more interested in an easy way out than finding the way through. If you are serious about being a Christian, you need to practice "amen" and not just say it at the end of a prayer.

Audio and Message Transcript: [Click]

Doug Ellis  Doug Ellis    |   September 1, 2024   |   James 5:7-12

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The Orchard Church
of Dunn Loring Virginia